Microsoft Silverlight 3 Silent Installation

This morning I integrated Microsoft Silverlight 3 into our Windows 7 build. Since we use an automated image build process, i prepared the Silverlight package for a silent install.

Here’s what you need to do to run a silent Silverlight 3 installation:

1. Download the latest Silverlight installation package from the Silverlight website.

2. You will get a silverlight.exe. Run silverlight.exe /x to extract the content

3. Now extract the silverlight.msp from the silverlight.7z file (you can use the free 7-Zip tool to do that).

4.  Then create a batch script that has the following command:
msiexec /i silverlight.msi /update silverlight.msp /qn

Update April 2010
This works as well.

Silverlight.exe /q /ignorewarnings /noupdate


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