Creating and Managing Azure Storage Tables with PowerShell

Today’s mission was to get more familiar with Azure Storage Tables and to manage them with PowerShell. On GitHub I found the AzureTableEntity module from Tao Yang. Below are a number of code snippets I used to get my hands dirty with Azure Storage tables and the module.

Install the Module

Install-Module -Name AzureTableEntity

Next we create an Azure Resource Group and an Azure Storage Account

# Create ResourceGroup
$Location = "Westeurope"
$ComputerInventory_ResourceGroup = "rg_CompComputerInventory"
New-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $ComputerInventory_ResourceGroup -Location $Location
# Create StorageAccount
$SkuName = "Standard_LRS"
$ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName = "sacomputerinventory"
New-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $ComputerInventory_ResourceGroup -Name $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName -SkuName "$SkuName" -Location $Location,

We will need the Storage Account key later so let’s get that one as well.

# Retrieve the first StorageAccountAccessKey
$StorageAccount = Get-AzureRmStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName $ComputerInventory_ResourceGroup -Name $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName
$StorageAccountAccessKey = (Get-AzureRmStorageAccountKey -ResourceGroupName $ComputerInventory_ResourceGroup -Name $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName).Value[0]

Next we create a new Table with the name “Computerinventory”

#Create Table
$TableName = "ComputerInventory"
$context = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $StorageAccountAccessKey
New-AzureStorageTable -Name $TableName -Context $context

Now that we have the table created, we can start adding data to it, let’s start with adding just one row first.

# Add one entry
     $data = @{
     RowKey = ([guid]::NewGuid().tostring())
     PartitionKey = "Inventory"
     ComputerName = "Computer000001"
     Location = "Amsterdam"
     dtDate = [datetime]::UtcNow
New-AzureTableEntity -StorageAccountName $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName -StorageAccountAccessKey $StorageAccountAccessKey -TableName $TableName -Verbose -Entities $data

Let’s take a look what’s in the table now

$querystring = "(PartitionKey eq 'Inventory')"
$result = Get-AzureTableEntity -TableName $tableName -StorageAccountName $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName -StorageAccountAccessKey $StorageAccountAccessKey  -QueryString $querystring -ConvertDateTimeFields $true -GetAll $true -Verbose



Next let’s add some more data to it, the below code creates some random computer inventory data.

# Generate some demo data for PC inventory


   $locations = @("Amsterdam","Paris","Stockholm","London","New York","Seatle","Singapure","Hong Kong","The Hague","Barcelona","Madrid","Stockholm","Rome")
     $data = @()
     $count = 2
      While ($count -le 100)
         $obj = @{
             RowKey = ([guid]::NewGuid().tostring())
             PartitionKey = "Inventory"
             ComputerName = "Computer" + $count.ToString("000000")
             Location = ($locations)[(Get-Random -Minimum 0 -Maximum $locations.Count )]
             dtDate = [datetime]::UtcNow
         $data += (New-Object -TypeName PSCustomObject -Property $obj)

# Add rows to Azure Storage Table

New-AzureTableEntity -StorageAccountName $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName -StorageAccountAccessKey $StorageAccountAccessKey -TableName $TableName -Verbose -Entities $data

If all went fine, we should now have all the data in the table.

$querystring = "(PartitionKey eq 'Inventory')"
$result = Get-AzureTableEntity -TableName $tableName -StorageAccountName $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName -StorageAccountAccessKey $StorageAccountAccessKey  -QueryString $querystring -ConvertDateTimeFields $true -GetAll $true -Verbose
$result | Group-Object Location

We now have 100 records in the table, with “11” computers located in Amsterdam


Now let’s look at Computer000001

$querystring = "(ComputerName eq 'Computer000001')"
$result = Get-AzureTableEntity -TableName $tableName -StorageAccountName $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName -StorageAccountAccessKey $StorageAccountAccessKey  -QueryString $querystring -ConvertDateTimeFields $true -GetAll $true -Verbose


It’s located in Amsterdam. Now let’s have a look at how to update a record, let’s say we want to change it to “Rotterdam”

$NewLoczation = "Rotterdam"
$data = @{
PartitionKey = $result.PartitionKey
RowKey       = $result.RowKey
Location = $NewLoczation
ComputerName = $result.ComputerName
dtDate = $result.dtDate
Update-AzureTableEntity -StorageAccountName $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName -StorageAccountAccessKey $StorageAccountAccessKey -TableName $TableName -Entities $data

Let’s retrieve the record again.


$querystring = "(ComputerName eq 'Computer000001')"
$result = Get-AzureTableEntity -TableName $tableName -StorageAccountName $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName -StorageAccountAccessKey $StorageAccountAccessKey  -QueryString $querystring -ConvertDateTimeFields $true -GetAll $true -Verbose

and there we go, it’s now registered in Rotterdam.


Let’s query the entire database again.

$querystring = "(PartitionKey eq 'Inventory')"
$result = Get-AzureTableEntity -TableName $tableName -StorageAccountName $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName -StorageAccountAccessKey $StorageAccountAccessKey  -QueryString $querystring -ConvertDateTimeFields $true -GetAll $true -Verbose
$result | Group-Object Location


and finally, let’s remove the Computer000001

I query the information again, as i will re-use the return values to build the remove properties.

$querystring = "(ComputerName eq 'Computer000001')"
$result = Get-AzureTableEntity -TableName $tableName -StorageAccountName $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName -StorageAccountAccessKey $StorageAccountAccessKey  -QueryString $querystring -ConvertDateTimeFields $true -GetAll $true -Verbose
$Remove = @{
PartitionKey = $result.PartitionKey
RowKey = $result.RowKey
Computername = $result.ComputerName
Remove-AzureTableEntity -StorageAccountName $ComputerInventory_StorageAccountName -StorageAccountAccessKey $StorageAccountAccessKey -TableName $TableName -Entities $Remove


If you followed my example, you should now have 99 rows left.

I hope you enjoyed this blog post, as always comments and feedback are welcome.

Further reading and useful resources:


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