Exporting Windows Driver Store Information into Excel

To obtain detailed information about a particular driver that is prestaged within the Windows 7 driver store, you can run the following command.

Dism /online /get-driverinfo /driver: <path to driver inf file>

Now there is quite a lot of interesting information in here, imagine you are working on a Windows 7 project and you want to know if a particular device is supported by the Windows 7 build in drivers. Of course you can do a bulk export of all the drivers into text files (as explained in this earlier post) but wouldn’t it be nice if we could just have all the information consolidated in one Excel file or database?

I have spend quite some time to extract the data from the individual files using plain vbscript and powershell, but didn’t succeed because of the structure of the output, so I got a bit of help from my friend Claude Henchoz who provided a python script that does the final magic. So here we go.

First download and install the Python scripting engine (just use the default installation options)

Then create a Folder C:\DATA\DRVSTORE and C:\DATA\DRVSTORE\ALL (or modify the paths in the below script)

Then copy paste the below code into a batch file called drvstore_collect_data.cmd and store it in C:\DATA\DRVSTORE

[sourcecode language=”plain”]
@echo off

set filename=%~n1
echo %filename%
echo %~1
dism /online /get-driverinfo /driver:%~1  | dism2csv.py  >c:\data\drvstore\all\%~n1.txt"

Then copy paste the code below and store it in a file called dism2csv.py and store the file in C:\DATA\DRVSTORE

[sourcecode language=”py”]

import re
import sys

# Read from stdin
matchstr = sys.stdin.read()

# Process regular expression for header data
file_regex = r"""Published.Name.:.(.*)\n.*\nClass.Name.:.(.*)\nClass.Description.:.(.*)\n"""
compile_obj = re.compile(file_regex,  re.IGNORECASE| re.MULTILINE| re.VERBOSE)
file_info = compile_obj.findall(matchstr)

# Process regular expression for records
records_regex = r"""\n\s\s\s\s\w*.:.(.*)\n\s*\w*.:.(.*)\n\s*\w*.:.(.*)\n\s*\w*.\w*.:.(.*)\n\s*\w*.\w*.:.(.*)\n\s*\w*.\w*.:.(.*)\n\s*\w*.\w*.:.(.*)"""
compile_obj = re.compile(records_regex,  re.IGNORECASE| re.MULTILINE| re.VERBOSE)
records = compile_obj.findall(matchstr)

# Rearrange header and record list into regular strings, separated with tabs
for record in records:
print "\t".join(file_info[0]) + "\t" + "\t".join(record)

Now launch the batch file and wait until it completes, you should then have the \All subfolder filled with files, the script creates a tab delimited text file for each driver within the driver store.

Finally within the \All folder run the following command to consolidate all the text files into one file.

[sourcecode language=”plain”]
TYPE *.TXT >alldrivers.tab

You can now import the file in Excel.

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